1. An officer writes questions on the margin of the note file and where the clerk to furnish reply:
(A) Margin
(B) In continuation of the note file
(C) Bottom of the note 
(D) Top of the note 
Correct Answer: Option (B) In continuation of the note file

2. When an officer, writes questions in the margin of a note where the replies to be written?
(A) In continuation of note
(B) Margin of note 
(C) Left side
(D) Right side
Correct Answer: Option (A) In continuation of note

3. As a general rule how much margin on both sides of papers are to be left blank when a note is written?
(A) One third
(B) One inch
(C) One fifth
(D) Half 
Correct Answer: Option(A) One third

4. Which colour of fly leaf will be placed at the top of the note file? 
(A) Red
(B) Green 
(C) Yellow
(D) Blue
Correct Answer: Option(C) Yellow

5. At the top of note file what colour fly leaf is placed: 
(A) Yellow
(B) Brown 
(C) Cream
(D) Dark 
Correct Answer: Option(A) Closing of the file 

6. A————— fly leaf is added to the note file at the beginning. 
(A) Yellow
(B) Brown 
(C) Blue
(D) Red
Correct Answer: Option(A) Yellow

7. How a running note will go until the final orders? 
(A) Continuation
(B) Piece meal 
(C) Para by para 
(D) With interception 
Correct Answer: Option(A) Continuation

8. In which colour of ink, the reference number and date are to be noted in the note file? 
(A) Black ink
(B) Blue ink
(C) Green ink
(D) Red ink 
Correct Answer: Option(D) Red ink 

9. No paper should be transferred to the call book unless no action is due in the office for a period of:
(A) Three months 
(B) One year 
(C) Two years
(D) Six months
Correct Answer: Option (D) Six months

10. The authority to pass orders on the notes submitted from the section is:
(A) Head of office
(B) Superintendent
(C) Subordinate officer 
(D) Gazetted officer
Correct Answer: Option (A) Head of office

11. When drafts can be put up with note:
(A) In complicated case 
(B) In difficult case
(C) In simple case 
(D) In unknown case 
Correct Answer: Option(C) In simple case 

12. In the course of dealing with a subject, a fresh subject arises, what is desirable to deal it:
(A) Closing of the file 
(B) Disposal of the file
(C) Opening of a fresh file 
(D) Arising file 
Correct Answer: Option (C) Opening of a fresh file 

13. In which area of the file the arguments for and against any measure can be taken?
(A) Draft
(B) Reference
(C) Reply
(D) Note 
Correct Answer: Option(D) Note 

14. Which kind of officers can criticise or offer suggestions in the note file?
(A) Clerk
(B) Superintendent 
(C) Superior officers
(D) Junior officers
Correct Answer: Option(C) Superior officers

15. One of the following officers is empowered to modify or approve the draft:
(A) Superintendent
(B) Manager
(C) Head clerk
(D) Head of office
Correct Answer: Option(D) Head of office


Note should not be written on the current itself except in very simple ones. Notes shall be written or typewritten on paper of foolscap size with one-third margin prescribed for the purpose and on both sides of the paper, blank sheets being added before submission to officers. No note shall be written on the margin unless it is easy brief. 

When an officer writes a question in the margin of a note, the reply to it has to be written in continuation of the note and not in the margin.

Note file will be separate from the current file and its pages will be numbered in a separate series in ink.  At the top of  the note file  will be placed a yellow fly-leaf and its pages will be tagged like those of the current file.
If the subject originated with a communication from outside, the reference number and date of such communication should follow in red ink. The note is written below the entry.

It is not expected of Clerks and Superintendents when noting, to offer opinions and suggestions unless they are specifically founded on statue. They should not be highly critical and all personal attack should be avoided. It is for the superior officers to criticise or offer suggestions. 

In simple cases and whenever the course to be adopted is obvious a draft may be put up at the same times as the note is submitted for orders. 
Even in the fairly complicated cases, this may sometimes be done, especially if the draft is one asking for further information. The head of the office may pass the draft, modify it, amplify it or ask for further information. If the head of the office is likely to find the draft not self-explanatory, there should be a not to explain it.

When, in the course of dealing with a subject, any fresh subject arises which it is desirable to deal with separately, extracts should be taken of the parts of the current file and note file relating to the fresh subject, and with these, a separate file should be stated.


  1. A........... fly leaf is added to the note file at the beginning:
    (A) Brown
    (B) Blue
    (C) Yellow
    (D) Red
    Correct Answer: Option(C) Yellow

  2. The colour of fly leaf in the note file is :
    (A) Green
    (B) Blue
    (C) Red
    (D) Yellow
    Correct Answer: Option(D) Yellow


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